The Batman
Pattinson leans into a noir-ish batman to bring new life to an iconic super hero.

You had me at Peter Dinklage and Musical... Cyrano de Bergerac (played by Mr. Dinklage) is a man ahead of his time. Dazzling one and all...

A heart felt film that hits all the right notes, Belfast is a Branagh masterpiece. Belfast is a movie straight from Branagh’s own...

Lasso me away...
WW84 not only fast forwards us to 1984 but it also travels past any semblance of what made the original film great.

?What The Hell_lleH ehT tahW?
Tenet is a mind boggling, spy-thriller ride that will reward repeat viewings if you can sit through them.

Heavy, Heavy Metal
A drummer begins to lose his hearing and must come to grips with a future that will be filled with silence.

Horror in Broad Daylight
Ari Aster's latest film Midsommar grabs you early in broad daylight and holds you while terror unfolds and much like the cast there is...

ENDGAME (Non-spoiler review)
Avengers Endgame is the summation of 21 films and over 10 years of Marvel Extended Universe based movies.

FERAL is a powerful examination of one woman's experience with homelessness in NYC with a captivating lead performance by Annapurna...

To its credit, RELAXER made me gag in the first fifteen minutes. I've prided myself on having a strong stomach for gross-out genre fare,...