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The Film Coterie Classics Edition Episode 01: Tribute to Roger Corman / Battle of the Decade 1935 vs


Welcome to a very special spin-off episode of The Film Coterie! We are calling this series TFC Classics Edition and it will feature our very own Roger and his good friend Kevin as they share their love of classic movies. Episode 01 of this new series is now available on iTunes and SoundCloud! Subscribe to us on iTunes and get all of our new episodes automatically. Like us on Facebook and you'll be kept up to date on all of our new articles and developments.

On this week's premiere episode, Roger and Kevin pay their tribute to Roger Corman aka "The Pope of Pop Cinema". They also engage in the first ever Battle of the Decade and debate which year was a better year for film- 1935 or 1939?

As always, we value your thoughts and input, so please feel free to reach out to us here on this website, on Twitter, on Facebook, or even an old-fashioned e-mail.

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