The Film Coterie Episode 15: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 / Overlook Film Fest Recap
Episode 15 of The Film Coterie is now available on iTunes and SoundCloud! Subscribe to us on iTunes and get all of our new episodes automatically. Like us on Facebook and you'll be kept up to date on all of our new articles and developments.
On this week's episode, the guys pop their favorite tunes into their walkmans (walkmen?) and go along for the ride that is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. Adam also gives his thoughts on the inaugural Overlook Film Fest (starts at 34:15) and the guys review their most recent Movie Homework Assignments. Was Roger's mind blown by Holy Motors? Did Adam get spooked by The Ghost Walks? Did Matt turn up the volume and rock out with Deathgasm? All this and more on The Film Coterie!
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