10 Movies worth your $5 rental right now!
So the last part of the Winter doldrums is here and Spring is just around the corner. So what should you rent to hold you over until the warmth of nature calls? Here are 10 movies worth the money.

MPR is a fun whimsical musical that the whole family can enjoy.

Melissa McCarthy gives a solid performance in this dark comedy about an author desperate to stay relevant.

Crazy Rich Asians is a fun, poignant look at the Rom-Com genre told through a fresh lens.

Aquaman is the Thor of the DC Universe and Jason Momoa embraces all the glory and humor that can be found under the seven seas.

Spike Lee writes a seemingly impossible idea... A black man joins the clan.. Only for us to find out its based on a true story

Tom Hardy alone makes this movie worth watching if only the rest of the cast would have come along for the ride.

A fascinating look at World War I as only Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) can bring to you.

The 2018 winner for best picture is worth the rental just for the performances of Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali.

The Favourite is dark, funny, morbid, funny, odd, funny, unsettling, funny and some of the best acting work of 2018.

2018's best animated feature is why you bought a 4K HDR TV. The graphics are mind blowing, the story is fresh, funny and the music will leave you humming after viewing. Lord and Miller are at their best in this instant classic.